
Safe? tick
Pays Out? tick


Earnings: star-2
Time Commitment: star-3
Fun: star-2-5

How does it work?

Update: I’ve found that the app hasn’t paid out automatically on a few occasions since writing this review. However, their support team have been helpful and have sorted out any issues. It can take a while though.

Update 2: StormX now uses dollar values for tasks rather than “bolts”.

StormX is another service which allows you to earn “Bolts” by completing surveys, playing games and shopping.

This is very similar to many other services we’ve reviewed like Swagbucks or Treasure Trooper. The twist is bolts can be exchanged for Cryptocurrencies. At the time of writing the available cryptocurrencies are:

  • Storm X (their own currency)
  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Dai
  • Litecoin

You need to earn 200,000 bolts in order to trade them for crypto. Although that seems like a huge number, you tend to receive a significant amount of bolts for completing tasks. For example, each time you watch an advert you receive 500 and most game challenges tend to reward in the hundreds of thousands.

Another benefit of the app is that you are rewarded for holding Storm X tokens (STMX). For example, I currently hold just under 4000 STMX which places me on the bronze level. The bronze level entitles you to an additional 25% of STMX tokens when you make a purchase. If you reach the diamond level you will receive an additional 250% but that does require you to hold 6.2 million STMX. The app claims this will be extended to task completion soon also.

See below for a worked example created by the StormX team.


Bonus example from the StormX team

I feel that StormX probably doesn’t pay out as well as services such as Swagbucks so I’m unsure as to whether to recommend it. However, in some ways StormX is more fun with its cryptocurrency angle and if you do a lot of online shopping theres potential to make StormX quite profitable due to the bonuses it gives to users for holding their STMX cryptocurrency. Personally I don’t shop at most of the places offered so that aspect isn’t much of a pull for me. It is fun to track how the crypto you earn fluctuates in value though and it’s exciting to think it might “moon” one day. That’s a pretty small possibility though so I wouldn’t bank on it :-).

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